Regardless of barely any sleep I am up an hour earlier then needed, and thought I could use this time wisely to blog about the law whilst listening to Radio 4. (oh that rhymed!)
Basic Principles of Court Reporting:
1. Presumption of innocence - must be proved "beyond reasonable doubt"
2. Mens Rea (guilty mind) and Actus Reus (guilty act) must be proved
3. Justice must be seen to be done - trails are open to the public *
The Press are "The eyes and ears of the public"
4. Evidence based Justice - right to have evidence tested by Jury of Peers
*I'll be attending court next week and blogging about what it was like from the public gallery for the very first time!
Criminal Court is made up of many important people in wigs:
JURY - decides whether not you are innocent or guilty based upon evidence
BARRISTER - there are two teams:
1. Representing the prosecution
2. Representing the defense
Barristers are "briefed" by solicitors on the case at hand.
JUDGE - decides on admissibility of evidence, and most importantly sentence length.
Note: In case you ever have to go to court, look at the length of wigs for an indication of how much trouble you are in.
Offences are categorised in to three sectors:
1. Indictable offences - Serious crimes such as murder, rape robbery, dealt with by crown court
2. Either-way offences - Can be dealt with either at a Crown court or Magistrates court
3. Summary Offences - Minor crimes such a common assault, drunkenness, speeding, dealt with magistrates court.
We must never influence the Jury - in other words leave your "He did it!" t-shirts at home.
If granted Qualified Privilege, (the bit all us journalists like to hear) we can say anything we like without being sued. But, it must must must must must be accurate, the most important thing I took from this lecture is that we have to be...
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