Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Media Law - Lecture 1

Today's first session began with witty digs at what some tabloids like to call 'news'. In particular, the article "Brickfast" which reveals how a girl gobbles bricks as if they were biscuits for breakfast is certainly factual for the public... mhmm?

One thing is for sure, It has taught me to put on my journo goggles from now when 'tucking' into a newspaper. Don't always skim against the surface, dig deeper, because the underlining story is she probably just eats dust from the brick, rather then the extravagant photo shopped sized brick the public immediately see on her plate.

 In case you're interested, here is the link: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3836252/Girl-eats-bricks-like-cookies.html

Well, sweep the dust to one side, and on to a more important topic; Media Law. I have to admit it, I'm feeling like a little fish swimming around in a sea full of sharks, but I'm going to share with you what I've learn't today regardless.

The law is split into two main types:
1. Civil Law - This is a dispute between two people e.g. divorce
2. Criminal Law - This is an act that breaches statute e.g. murder

There are three levels of court:
1. Magistrates Court - lowest level of court dealing with non-indictable offences (minor crimes)
2. Crown Court - high level of court dealing with indictable offences (major crimes)
3. County Court - administer lower level of Civil law then high court

Standard of Proof:
Criminal Case - 'Beyond reasonable doubt' - In other words, you must be sure they are guilty  by supporting your charge with 1 of 3 things: eye witness account, confession, or forensic evidence.
Civil Case - 'On the balance of probability' - Suggesting that the accusations are more then likely correct.

I guess McNae's and I will be spending a lot of time together now that learning the law has commenced!

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