Friday, 8 June 2012

The Learning Curve Is Never-Ending, It'll Never End Up Full Circle

Summer has come early, maybe the weather is not on our side, but the holidays have officially begun and my first year of university is over! I've been home over a week already and it's beginning to take its toll that I am no longer surrounded by people my age, nor do I have the simple distractions and naive ignorance to ignore or face the facts. Reality seems to hit hard when I am at home, constantly reminded by mature adults that it’s time to do more and shake off the limp and lazy ways. I'm sure I'm not the only one panicking to find a part time job to make some money, because without a student loan to cover the summer, our budget is going to have to be tighter then ever.

I can't believe that a year of university has flown by already, it feels like I only packed my bags and flew my nest yesterday, but now I've left behind halls and all the wonderful people I've met this year. Fresher’s year has been for the majority of students the best year of their life; freedom, parties, new friends, independence, new skills, new knowledge and the start of pursuing a career in a field we hope. The word ‘hope’ is extremely significant, as students we all have hopes and expectations, but the harsh reality is you have to persistently keep trying, knockbacks will kick us all in the teeth but as we've all been told we have to fall before we can fly. I've realised nothing is going to be easy and this scares me. The big bad wolf is in the big wide world.

The days of playing hopscotch in the playground are over, and we're growing up, it's time to take on responsibilities. If only we were all given the chance to get to exactly where we plan to in life, but in this world nothing comes to you, you have got to go get it. I've heard this advice a billion times and I've repeatedly tried to drum it into my mind, but too often the drive and dedication can be lost and brushed under the carpet. We are young and learning, but learning is the best part of life, to learn something new each day is a fascinating and thrilling feeling. Nothing beats the feeling when you feel confident you actually know ‘stuff’, a slight ego boost when you know what you’re talking about.

In the next academic year, I have taken on the Role of ‘Crime, Legal Affairs and Court Reporter’ a challenge I set myself. I've aimed for the rough and tough to set myself a goal to master shorthand and develop my knowledge about law and courts. This can only build upon my experiences, and help me towards becoming a journalist. No matter what career choice we have each individually chosen, we have to prioritise working towards achieving it, what we put in is exactly what we will get out. We've been through the grading system of GCSEs and A Levels where we have all been stamped with an A B C D E but what I've learnt is that being spoon fed to pass exams is only short term, for long term benefits we need to put the time in. It's not about doing exactly what is required and following the rules by the book, it's about branching out, being different and exploring and learning skills through valuable experiences.

Best of all we can learn from our peers, I have learnt a lot through my course peers, everyone has their own speciality and talents, and everyone brings something different to the table, learn from your team and work together. This is what I am most excited about next year. I’m ready to be a 2nd year, fresher’s 2011 has taught me a lot, and the memories will be treasured forever in my heart.

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